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Compliance manager - A Top US furniture Company
1.To execute factory assessment and monitoring the improvements of factories independently.
2.Conducting all(Softlines/Hardlines) factory evaluation
3.Complying with the applicable audit requirements;
4.Communicating and clarifying audit requirements;
5.Planning and carrying out assigned responsibilities;
6.Documenting the audit findings / observations;
7.Reporting the audit results;
8.Communicating audit results to facility management in a professional, objective, and clear manner;
9.Verifying the effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result of audit;
1.Candidate with relavant 3-5 years of experiences and also has some management experiences would be highly preferred.
2.must speak English as well.
3.He/She would come in as a manager of this department and build this team as
4.will need to be willing to travel as well.
5.suitable candidate should ever worked in a firm that specified in audits, Chinese labor laws, factory evaluations, etc. this person will need to be highly self motivated and strong character.
* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
'topjob_eo088gd#dacare.com'(Please replace "#" with "@")